after our first round of midterms... pu bear and i went to babe 18 to celebrate with a round of drinks....
the beginning of a crazy night...
mellon balls are amazing...
like last time... our bartender started making his own drinks for us...

he wanted to get us wasted.. probably to leave him alone... so he gave us absinthe :)

us after 12 + shots...
i've never seen pu bear more happy :) <3

real deal life plaza

mickey bag!
omg..... a glittery pink mahjong set

the owls kept lighting up... i was pretty mesmerized..

the stinkiest tofu i've had here... it was amazing

taipei beer garden!

so cute and festive :)

personal kegs :)
loved the atmosphere in there.... live band.. but the food sucked ... and it was really expensive... in taiwan standards
everyone was trashed there.... that little boy standing on the table included
those guys fosh...

those girls def...

the trend continued... practically everyone was dancing on the tables
a fortress of beer kegs....
I just realized i didn't even take a picture with michael before he left :( ... oops

pu bear in her element...
this place was famous for its bridge... but not this bridge...

but this bridge kept changing colors...

this was the famous bridge :) ... i thought it necessary to take a pix every time it changed colors

fishing in the dark...

this pattern reminds me of gummy bear colors :)
why was i so determined to go to bitan and take countless pictures of this bridge you ask? because practically every taiwanese drama shoots a scene with this bridge as its backdrop.. so i guess you can say that this bridge is symbolic of the taiwan culture :)
lanterns made of sieving baskets.. i don't know the proper term for em

a fleet of swan boats...

the food area
it was really classy...

the counter for a sushi place i think...

swan boats swimming...
we walked across the non-famous bridge... running in a zig zag fashion... i wasnt the most polite tourist :) ... but i accomplished my goal of making the bridge sway... kinda
so pretty :)

the swan feathers lit up neon colors...
stupid lil dog was running all over the place...
some restaurant that served calimex food....
oh kare.. you make me proud..

my chicken quesadilla... which didn't taste quite the same as back home...
LIGHTS!!! a reminder that christmas is near...
she ate all six KFC egg tarts herself.. not really... but she could have :) happy 21st kare...
how appropriate... thanksgiving dinner at cafe grazie

appetizer... smoked salmon .. salad ... soup ... the food kept coming
fried calamari... mmm
i thought the dip was soup... oops
there were 3 types of pizza... i had at least 8 slices...
and 3 types of pasta :)

sirloin steak? not as big as back home... but just as derish!
chicken... omg.. so much food
jonathan was in heaven :)
and then the desserts.... coke?
there it is :)
afternoon tea? i was pretty confused about the dessert selection
creme brulee... my first time trying it... amazing

KFC serves porridge at breakfast...
i think kare treats me like a barbie doll sometimes... dressing me and playing with my hair :)

bailey's brings in the holidays....
freaking hot dj .... pu bear was drooling... as were half the girls in the front taking super close up pictures of his face.... apparently he's a celebrity and hangs out at Room 18 a lot...

mister donut = adore
not as sweet as a regular donut with a mochi like texture...

this water park is right across the street from our dorm... little did we know :)
and this fitness center next to the water park
and this new outlet / department store opened right by our dorm.... everything was so cheap here....
oh yes... korean barbeque round #2 with kare bear.... 11 plates :)
so to stop pu bear from constantly reminding me that she's never been inside taipei 101... we window shopped there.... it was pret decked out for the holidays :)

um.. that's always there... but the vortex just looks really cool

warner village...

this lil locomotive spat out bubbles from its chimney... so it was snowing bubbles
lights! i have no idea what this builiding is... but lights!
taiwan.. can you please be a lil more original... hk alredy has a victoria's peak -__-
we had the real deal steel eggs this time....
a two story store devoted to hello kitty...
what pigs!
a store that sold only those capsule things...
awww pu bear...
oh pu bear....

so cute... animals made of shells...
glow in the dark cell phone charms!
a boat!
we saw the biggest starbucks ever along the way... 3 stories!
beef flavored rice... it looks gross but it's AMAZING!
omg.. sooo good

oh kare ... how was work...
cute lil park

pu bear you look ridiculous...

not sure if they dress like this normally.... they weren't very willing to take the pix with us.. oh well
team work! we got 1 sticker for every 30 nt (= 1 usd) we spent at 7-11 ... after 30 stickers you can trade this sheet for a list of prizes.... pu bear and i ate two pizza hut pizzas each :)

getting there was an adventure... we went on a bus with the craziest bus driver ever... he honked at every single car that passed him on the other side of the road... and he drove at an insanely high speed for driving a bus and driving up a mountain with a really narrowly paved road...
it was a very ugly day...

jiufen! so many samples :) love....

a really famous dessert place

i thought it beared no resemblance to that town in spirited away... but i forgot everything from the movie.. so oops :)

she was holding the kumquat tea that warmed her soul more than taro xi mi lou
that looks so messed up... whoever designed this is demented...

bye bye jiufen..... and the next day i was off to singapore for the week :)
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