actually... not really :) so on wednesdays...
pupu & i don't have class... so we went to
danshui's port / harbor... to enjoy our day off ...
but we took a detour to get to danshui... there's a trail designated for pedestrians that takes us through a mangrove forest to danshui .... we lucked out bc it was super gorg that day :)

so eager for our adventure :)

we're not sure why there was this little temple in the middle of nowhere

where the mangrove forest pathway started...
pupu was an eager beaver :)

i'm not sure why gates look like this in taiwan... but it's like everywhere... looks like a maze .. kinda cool huh?
i went a little camera happy with the mangrove forest O___O

i don't think walking on this bridge would be a good idea...

playing with pupu's SLR...

we made it to danshui without getting lost! :)

we know we're adorable :)

i guess old people really like chillin here....

the eating / shopping area of danshui ...
xi bing... chinese couples give these pastries to like friends and family announcing their wedding engagement...

looks like mooncake...

yup... pupu and i had one :)

mmmm... ah gei

a mountain of ah gei...

steel eggs .... derish! ... it's not really rock hard

the streets of danshui...

shrimp roll...

the real deal steel eggs....

this is a restaurant... so cute!
people come here to watch the sunset ... i'll have pictures up one of these days :)

i think this was the small size... i wanna get the big size next time :)

squid... twas derish as well...

if only they have it that big and not inflated :)

the irish are wise people

the entrance to danshui street ... this was one of the last places we visited before leaving..

i think this is a monsters museum.... not sure why that ancient looking chinese is there :/

we look meaner than the gorilla

goodbye danshui... till next time
that night... we went to Babe 18 ... $3 US for all you can drink .... the girls and i went wild :)

a view of taipei from floor 14 of the all girls dorm before we left for the clubs...

yup... we were in the area again... warner village

haagen daaz ice cream moon cake... sounds like heaven :)... yes we know we're fattys

babe 18.... at first we couldn't decipher it so we weren't sure if we were at the right place...

tequila shots to start off the night...

and then kamikazes...

and i'm not sure what this is... but at some point the bartenders started making us drinks off the menu... we speculate that they stopped putting alcohol in our drinks at some point and just made it taste super fruity and sweet ...
later that night.. we bounced over to room 18... danced a little and then left ... another awesome ladies night :)
after wednesday.. nothing spectacular happened until the weekend...
on saturday.. i had my first tutor session ... instead i ended up hanging out with Mom's best friend..
趙敏阿姨 ... the whole day..
my tutor sesh was basically having lunch with the boy and chillin at the bookstore :)

this was a bathroom in the bookstore... i was so surprised it had seat covers... those are pretty rare here

oh yah... and we had tea after ...
趙敏阿姨 and i just chatted the afternoon away in the cafe... we also saw a couple of celebrities that she knew there...

then she invited me to have dinner with her family ... thai food :)

octopus in lime - pepper sauce

+ curry + fish...

crab with clear rice noodles .. some of these dishes are hard to translate to english :/

shrimp rolls!

seafood soup in coconut milk..

dessert :)

the amazing family who immediately welcomed me in ...
notice the baby in the stroller, the baby's mommy and daddy ... they had initially offered to take me back to my dorm... but once we got there... they took me around taipei to go sightseeing at night... they were sooo sweet..

view of taipei from yangmingshan... it was super windy up there...

so Jing and DT take the baby everywhere they go... including concerts.. and he sleeps through
everything.. presh!
they took me to the other side of the river from danshui... so i was actually looking at danshui ..

families just like to chill by the river barbequeing...

danshui at night...

still danshui...

and more...

aren't they starting to look the same to you now? .. me too :)

panda statues!


just to prove i was there :)
then early the next morning.... we went to the National Palace Museum ...

lydia was having a hard time sticking it in :p
i took a llllllooooottttt of pictures outside... which was good.. because we later found out that we couldn't take pictures inside the museum ... the garden was more interesting than the actual exhibit anyway :)

the national palace museum

a black swan...

there was a cute little bridge...

a white duck...

karen on the cute little bridge

lydia was really emo... looking at the grass

and looking off in the distance... she probably had a lot on her mind... like food

we decided to make this walkway into a fashion shoot too... lydio's back!


i didn't know dragons spat out water

the trash can... and karen's shapely legs -__- ... and her mosquito bites

the fish were gross... especially when they all had their mouths open... because this family standing next to us was feeding them... omg... i'm still getting goosebumps picturing their mouths open :(

i'm not sure what that huge rock was...i don't think the guy standing in front of it knew either

awww... the boys were taking soooo many pictures of us... we're so vain :)

mirror pix in the restaurant ... classy

i really like this pix... the server was walking by.. or running? ... but she was the only object blurred here... i did that on purpose :)

my lunch .. they were really generous with the shrimp

we just like taking pixes and role playing...

yah.. i know i look ridiculous...
so all in all... a super productive week... minus the schoolwork part... oops :)